Uipath Test Manager related issue

Hi Evereyone,

I hope you are doing well so far. I am trying to create one POC on Uipath Test Manager. I am going through one challenge, I am explaining that

As per the below screenshot we can see I am using community edition, and I have enabled the Test manager service on my tenanat

It was my initial Test Manager window on orchestrator

The I has provided the following information on the test manager Create new project form

and the tried to click on create button, but not I am receiving this error

So after that I am clicking on cancel as it is not letting me to create the Test project, and after clicking on cancel button, I can see the following window

So, if you have any suggestion and possible solution that, why is it happening and how to solve that?

For reference this is my Uipath studio window

Thank you,

Hello @learning_sourav

I think for the particular user the Test manager access is not granted. Can you go to admin->roles and check



Thanks for the sggestion, but as I know I have the access of Test manager, for that only I think I can use the Test manager service, if am I missing something, any help would be appreciated.

Thank you