Uipath studio objects binding issue

I have downloaded a package from orchestrator which is working fine in production.
After I open it in studio I saw many variable and argument data type is changed(eg- in_ config is changed as string with property direction)
Like that many variables got changed
I had nearly 30-40 wotkflows/ modules where I have to change in order to get this resolved.
I want to understand what made this issue to occur???
Is this a bug???
In case if this happens in future I again don’t want to spend 4hrs on this… Is there any way I can get this resolved quicker???

@Palaniyappan @lakshman @loginerror @UiPath_Community
Can you please help me understand this root cause?

Hey Harika,

Could you elaborate more as what changed, maybe a screenshot would help?

When you say in_config changed ( so i am guessing earlier this was a dictionary and now changed to string ?


Can you please provide more details…like what is the studio version…what version is code developed in…compatibility of the code(windoes or legacy)

And did you happen to check any other version of the same code or a different one? And is the issue persistent?


Hey @Anil_G it was developed in 22.4 and yes it is windows-legacy
I downloaded the package into 22.10.
As it was working fine with 22.4
I rolled back the version of studio to 22.4 from 22.10
Yet it doesn’t make any difference.
I still see the issue.

yes from dict to string


Imean the version of the code and not studio…and is it happening for any project that you download?

So you mean wth studio 22.4 even if you extract there are no issues?


As of now i never encountered this issue earlier. The version matches with the version in Prod that is running on every day without any issue

This seems to be more like a compatibility issue, because your studio would have upgraded and the version which sits in orchestrator was build on old one.

Could you try and open this from some other machine and see if the issue persists.


No @Anil_G
Developed in 22.4
Downloaded and opened in 22.10 as i see this i rolled back the studio to 22.4
Issue is still there that is what am telling.


Can you try with any other pckage version please or any other code from the same orchestrator…

This is to ensure if the issue is with the package or is it with the studio build


Even if i have to do it from other machine. I need to downgrade the studio to 22.4 . then its gonna circle back to same thing.
Just wondering what is there to do with binding of variable and arguments with version.
We worked with 22.4,
20.10 all different versions but never seen this issue with any of them earlier.

Sure let me try it and get back to you.

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@Anil_G Seeing the same issue with other versions of this package.
But wondering what went wrong?
Why things are not binding properly?


Is there any dummy project that you can upload here so that we can check the issue…


Unfortunately, i cannot provide any dummy as such @Anil_G

  1. Once you have downloaded the package from Orch, extract to folder
  2. DONT OPEN PROJECT in studio, instead open your concerned xaml with any text editor.
  3. In Members section check all the arguments and their direction.

This will confirm if issue is with downloaded package file or studio itself.
If later is the case (issue with Studio) then, you can fetch the project files from bot machine as well.
Check %USERPROFILE%\.nuget\Packages\<ProjectName>\<Version> folder

Hi @Harika_Mudiam

The package you downloaded from Orchestrator might have been built with a different version of UiPath Studio than the one you are using. Each version of Studio may have different default data types for variables and arguments.

Your local Studio settings, such as default data types or settings related to variable types, might be different from the settings used to build the package. This can lead to data type changes when opening the package.



Then please check if the package is proper by opening package in notepad…if there is any malformed package may be we need further analysis…for that would request if you can upload a dummy package and provide that


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