UIPath RPA Developer Certified!

It’s official, I am now a Certified UIPath RPA Developer (First Attempt). It took me two and a half weeks. Thanks for all the help and support from everyone on this forum. I will certainly continue to be an active member and hopefully, be of help to others going through this process.


Hello @RickStar,

Congratulations :sunflower: : . Keep going.


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Congratulation@RickStar !
And Happy Automate!

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Hey @RickStar!
Congratulations! Keep it up!
You may now want to be an active member in the UiPath community, earn badges, and rank up :slight_smile:

Hey @RickStar!
Great news! Congratulations and let’s make the difference!

~Diego Turati

Hey @RickStar

You are a star!! Congratulations!! :smiley: :smiley:

Keep up the great work buddy!! Hope to see you around :slight_smile:

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Thats great…amazing…Kindly send a request for getting to graduation group

Refer this buddy…

Its not just a badge. It gives you confidence while you look at a issue to be resolved

Cheers…! Keep going…!

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