uiPath reframework sample working xaml

Hi, I’m newbie on uipath. I would like to copy or to download a .XAML file that initializesettings excel configuration.

link: GitHub - UiPath/ReFrameWork: Robotic Enterprise Framework Template - is not available.

Please help. I would like to study it.

Thanks in Advance.

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You can just create if from the UiPath Studio when you land to ‘Start’ Page. Select project type as ‘Robotic Enterprise Framework’.

Rammohan B.

Hi Rammohan, thank you for your reply. Sorry I cannot locate robotic enterprise framework on this link https://studio.uipath.com/

Or I’m looking at wrong link? TIA

I mean when you start the studio,

Rammohan B.

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Thank you Rammohan got it. However how can I see Invoke workflow “InitAllSettings.xaml” and all others invoke .XAML file. Purpose I would like to study it how it done. TIA

All those will be available under ‘Project’ section.

Thanks a lot Rammohan. Good day.

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Hi Rammohan,

I couldn’t see it in community edition. Please advice.

Where are you checking? Can you send the screenshot?

Rammohan B.

Hi @Deepak11

If you are using community edition… then you can find like this


From this select ReFramework.
then your workflow looks like

Then it will create a folder automatically .

Inside the Framework folder , you will find your default workflows.

Note:You can also select STATE MACHINE from your activity pane,but this will not create folder.
you can design your own workflow by using STATE and FINAL STATE.


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Thanks Sob !