UIpath Reframework messed up diagram of state machines

The diagram of ReFramework state machines is messed up all of a sudden when I opened it after a long time. How to make it correct again?

Hi @Mohite_Bhushan

Can you try updating all the dependencies.


Hey @Mohite_Bhushan
1 :its not big issues try to place it again , by selecting state you can drag whether you want .
2 :if you want to make new re frame work
create new re frame work paste your process xmal in new re framework folder and invoke it again
i will suggest you to go with 1 option it will work

cheers :upside_down_face:


Unfortunately, No quick solution. Only manual way to declutter it.

Ashok :slight_smile:

I tried to declutter but It is not that easy to declutter and drag as original diagram. Even the arrows are messed up. Is there any quick solution?