Uipath output Dataset Clean

Dear all:
Currently after I have done some data selection for my file, I output a series of data that is like this:
We would have some : , and Blank Space. What moduel should I use to do dataclean in UiPath to clean the datatable?


in assign

inputStringVariable = inputStringVariable.Replace(":", "").Replace(",", "").Replace(" ", "")


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You have the first row empty, and thats why its just showing “,” , you can remove the empty rows to get rid of them. To remove the “:”, you can either use a Linq expression or loop through each rows and replace “:” with empty string.

Hello Sai:
If my output data is already input in datatable, what would be your suggestion?


you can use invoke code or Linq

can you share the sample input

Give try at the following

Assign Activity
dtCleansed = dtOrig.Clone

Assign Activity
dtCleansed =

(From d in dtOrig.AsEnumerable
Let chk = d.ItemArray.All(Function (x) isNothing(x) OrElse String.IsNullOrEmpty(x.ToString.Trim))
Where not chk
Let ra = d.ItemArray(Function (s) s.ToString.Trim(": ".ToCharArray)).Cast(of Object).ToArray
Select r = dtCleansed.Rows.Add(ra)).CopyToDataTable

we used:

Nevermind, I have tried to apply this code to every rows that I have and it works. Thank you very much!

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