UiPath Outlook filter

I am trying to pass the filter in the get outlook message activity.
Please help me to write the syntax of “OR” condition

Hi @Ritaman_Baral

Try the below syntax:

"@SQL=""urn:schemas:httpmail:subject"" like '%outlook%' Or [Subject] = 'TEST'"



I think JET style query and DASL style query cannot mix. How about the following?

"@SQL= ""urn:schemas:httpmail:subject"" like '%outlook%' OR ""urn:schemas:httpmail:subject"" like 'TEST'"


Hey @Ritaman_Baral
here you can find example:

"@SQL=(urn:schemas:httpmail:subject like '%topic1%' OR urn:schemas:httpmail:subject like '%topic2%')"


It worked…“Like” generally points to “contains” in string…What is the syntax for “equals” here?
What is the syntax to filter if contains attachments ?

LIKE can be used Equal, StartsWith, EndsWith or Contains by the position of “%”
If there is no %, it will be Equals. If %keyword%, it will be Contains

What is the syntax to filter if contains attachments ?

Can you try the following?

"@SQL= ""urn:schemas:httpmail:hasattachment"" = True"


Hi @Ritaman_Baral

For the OR condition you can use the syntax given by @Yoichi and to filter with attachments you can use below syntax

"@SQL=""urn:schemas:httpmail:hasattachment"" = True"


pleas esned me some reference from where I can study or get syntaxes


The following page will help you.

In addition, searching keywords like OUTLOOK, DASL, Attachments etc. in google, bing or GPT also helps you to get specific sample expression.


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