Does anyone have a suggestion on this issue?
Continuing the discussion from How to Create JSON body text in HTTP Request:
Does anyone have a suggestion on this issue?
Continuing the discussion from How to Create JSON body text in HTTP Request:
HI Susan,
I could not find the body,body format option in my uipath 2016.1.5 version .can you please suggest me how to create json body text in httprequest
Thank you so much @Susana
I am trying to use the RetryQueueItem() and have the same problem as above, I cannot seem to get the information correctly passed through. I have read all the posts about how the body format is supposed to look, but still nothing works.
This is the end url: “https://XXXXXXXXXX/odata/QueueItems/UiPathODataSvc.RetryQueueItem()”
This is the body: - “{”“ids”“: [1680]}” -
I have also tried using Cha(34) instead of: "
Is this resolved?Getting same issue,Please help
Yes. We tried replacing " with ’ så the body we send looks similar to this:
{ ‘startInfo’: { ‘ReleaseKey’: ‘XXXXXXXX-XXXX-XXXX-XXXX-XXXXXXXXXXX’, ‘RobotIds’: [ 10 ], ‘Strategy’: ‘Specific’ }}
Of course as a string, surrounded by " ".
Worked Perfectly. Thanks @Lenz