Is there any URL which provides all the API Error_codes for UiPath Orchestrator?
For Example,
I Invoke Robots - Create (https://platform.uipath.com/odata/Robots) method and API returns with error_code 1001 since the robot is already present. The response will be as below.
“message”: “The user from machine is already used by another robot”,
“errorCode”: 1001,
“resourceIds”: null
Similar to this, I need URL which lists all Error_codes related to UiPath Orchestrator API.
Anyone can help me regarding the same?
Are there any specific URLs available which defines these error codes?
NOTE: The below URL provide us with the Generic HTTP error codes.
I am expecting more of a functional error_codes (similar to the above-given example of a robot creation) which are related to UiPath Orchestrator.