UiPath Lookup in VB Apps

Does anyone know how to lookup in VB Apps. I previously did everything and now it seems to have vanished away due the deprecation.

Anyway, I want to check if current user email address is in the Entity “X” and his role is “Y” return true, otherwise return false.


Try this expression.

Entity.X.Any(Function(e) e.Email = UserContext.User.CurrentUser.Email AndAlso e.Role = "Y")

It is stating Any is not a member of the entity:

Hello, Were you able to resolve this issue? I am facing a similar issue

Yes. This issue was solved. I will try to explain it although I am not good at explaining lol.

You add List and Entity in App Variables.
Set Value
Entity Variable = Use query builder to build your query on list variable
(It will give you one record → one entity)

Then you can show message Entity Variable.FieldName

This is working perfectly. Thank you for the help.

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