UiPath Library Host Tenant

Sometimes I find some custom libraries in Host / tenant
can you guys please explain the significance

Hi Ritaman,

Studio uses NuGet feeds to install activity packages. These feeds can be handled in two ways in Studio:

  • application level - feeds are configured from the Settings > Manage Sources tab;
  • project level - feeds are configured from the Manage Packages button in the ribbon.

The following feeds are configured by default in Studio:

  • Orchestrator Tenant and Orchestrator Host - These activities feeds are added by default if your Robot is connected to Orchestrator and they cannot be disabled. The Orchestrator Tenant option is available only if the tenant libraries feed is enabled in Orchestrator. For more information, see Activities Feeds in the Orchestrator Guide. The feeds have the following source: https://[Orchestrator_host]/nuget/activities.
  • Local - The feed for the packages installed locally with Studio. The feed has the source: %ProgramFiles%\UiPath\Studio\Packages for per-machine installations or %localappdata%\Programs\UiPath\Studio\Packages for per-user installations.

NOTE: The publish date displayed in the Manage Packages window for packages from the local feed is the date when the Studio installer was built, not the date when the packages were published.

  • Official - The official online UiPath feed, where you can find the activity packages that are officially supported by us. This feed has the following source: https://pkgs.dev.azure.com/uipath/Public.Feeds/_packaging/UiPath-Official/nuget/v3/index.json.
  • Marketplace - This public feed contains all the activities published on the UiPath Marketplace. Please note that whether or not packages are built and officially supported by UiPath is specifically stated in the Manage Packages window, Package Information tab. This feed has the following source: https://gallery.uipath.com/api/v3/index.json.

Please be aware that UiPath has no control over the unlisting of packages created by partners or the Marketplace community. However, UiPath keeps unlisted packages active to ensure backward compatibility for runtime purposes.

NOTE: For more information about it, check this url


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