UiPath JavaScript SDK for Robot | UiPath



Over the last couple of years, Robotic Process Automation (RPA) has seen widespread adoption across businesses and organizations of all sizes. Developers have used RPA to automate mundane tasks and to make processes more efficient. Today, however, RPA users need to know which process to click in their Robot Tray to run specific business automations. This interrupts the flow of their work because they must switch from their current application. In order to simplify the user experience and increase the efficiency for developers, UiPath has introduced a new JavaScript SDK for Robot (UiPathRobot.js) for attended robots. This was formerly known as Browser Embedding during the private preview phase.

This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at https://www.uipath.com/community/rpa-community-blog/introducing-uipath-robot-javascript-sdk