UiPath Implementation Manager Course

While doing the Implementation Manager course - even after completing the RPA Awareness Course, it’s still showing not completed. Can any one help on this?

Have you completed the survey after the lessons and downloaded all the files which we have after the survey? @Sanjoy_Kr_Singharoy

Implementation Manager course has 3 components RPA Awareness, Build A Bot (optional), Survey. But even after completing RPA Awareness course 100% I am appearing for Survey, it asks RPA Awareness still need to complete and it automatically reset to 0%.

I have completed all 3 Implementation Manager courses and received 3 diplomas - which one stands for the Implementation Manager Diploma?

Can you mention which 3 diplomas you have received. The diploma meant for Implementation Manager should be 1 diploma only.

  1. RPA Starter Training Diploma
  2. RPA Implementation Methodology Training Diploma
  3. UiPath Licensing Training Diploma

all those are under the Implementation Manager 3 courses learning plan - which one stands for the Implementation Manager Diploma?