UiPath Image Analysis Pipeline failure _ Pipeline failed due to ML Package Issue

Hi Team,

I wanted to run pipeline to use ML classification model (UiPath Image Analysis)

Getting below error:
Train only of MarchImage 4.0 launched - Run 1bedc548-d37c-4b53-8705-419e37caec77
Train only of MarchImage 4.0 started - Run 1bedc548-d37c-4b53-8705-419e37caec77
Train only of MarchImage 4.0 scheduled - Run 1bedc548-d37c-4b53-8705-419e37caec77
Train only of MarchImage 4.0 failed - Run 1bedc548-d37c-4b53-8705-419e37caec77

Error Details : Pipeline failed due to ML Package Issue

2023-03-28 07:29:05,825 - uipath_core.trainer_run:main:74 - INFO: Starting training job…
2023-03-28 07:29:06,475 - matplotlib:_get_config_or_cache_dir:484 - WARNING: Matplotlib created a temporary config/cache directory at /tmp/matplotlib-8ey2qx0j because the default path (/home/aicenter/.config/matplotlib) is not a writable directory; it is highly recommended to set the MPLCONFIGDIR environment variable to a writable directory, in particular to speed up the import of Matplotlib and to better support multiprocessing.
2023-03-28 07:29:06,770 - matplotlib.font_manager:_load_fontmanager:1443 - INFO: generated new fontManager
2023-03-28 07:29:08,203 - uipath_core.storage.azure_storage_client:download:118 - INFO: Dataset from bucket folder training-78f1d611-f940-40a3-8166-b65c43730bdc/16a6c0c7-1899-482a-a1d1-ad33fb9f4b3b/79023059-4130-4dbb-9a87-c5b369580170 with size 1 downloaded successfully
2023-03-28 07:29:08,204 - uipath_core.training_plugin:train_model:130 - INFO: Start model training…
2023-03-28 07:29:08,204 - uipath_core.training_plugin:initialize_model:124 - INFO: Start model initialization…
2023-03-28 07:29:08,205 - uipath_core.training_plugin:initialize_model:127 - INFO: Model initialized successfully
2023-03-28 07:29:08,205 - uipath_core.training_plugin:model_run:179 - ERROR: Training failed for pipeline type: TRAIN_ONLY, error: [Errno 2] No such file or directory: ‘/microservice/dataset/images’
2023-03-28 07:29:08,207 - uipath_core.trainer_run:main:91 - ERROR: Training Job failed, error: [Errno 2] No such file or directory: ‘/microservice/dataset/images’
Traceback (most recent call last):
File “/home/aicenter/.local/lib/python3.8/site-packages/uipath_core/trainer_run.py”, line 86, in main
File “/microservice/training_wrapper.py”, line 57, in run
return self.training_plugin.model_run()
File “/home/aicenter/.local/lib/python3.8/site-packages/uipath_core/training_plugin.py”, line 195, in model_run
raise ex
File “/home/aicenter/.local/lib/python3.8/site-packages/uipath_core/training_plugin.py”, line 171, in model_run
File “/home/aicenter/.local/lib/python3.8/site-packages/uipath_core/training_plugin.py”, line 255, in run_train_only
File “/home/aicenter/.local/lib/python3.8/site-packages/uipath_core/training_plugin.py”, line 132, in train_model
response = self.model.train(directory)
File “/microservice/train.py”, line 37, in train
File “/microservice/train.py”, line 61, in process_data
self.df_train, self.df_test = preprocess.preprocess_data(self.opt)
File “”, line 11, in preprocess_data
File “”, line 31, in create_df_from_single_folder
FileNotFoundError: [Errno 2] No such file or directory: ‘/microservice/dataset/images’
2023-03-28 07:29:08,207 - uipath_core.trainer_run:main:98 - INFO: Job run stopped.


Can you show your dataset structure…please check structure here and dataset shpuld be selected on the main images folder and it shpuld contain subfolders for each group and those should contain the images to be classified


Hope this helps


Hi @bagishojha,

Please check the below link for the solution

Image classification problems training pipeline - Help / AI Center - UiPath Community Forum