Hi, can anyone help me with this?. I’m trying to do the exercise from UiPath academy with Ai center using Image classification, but i have this error when I try to train the pipeline:
Train only of ImageClassification 4.0 launched - Run 613626a9-7964-4b4d-90dd-5d4e89ad2d79
Train only of ImageClassification 4.0 started - Run 613626a9-7964-4b4d-90dd-5d4e89ad2d79
Train only of ImageClassification 4.0 scheduled - Run 613626a9-7964-4b4d-90dd-5d4e89ad2d79
Train only of ImageClassification 4.0 failed - Run 613626a9-7964-4b4d-90dd-5d4e89ad2d79
Error Details : Pipeline failed due to ML Package Issue
2023-01-31 14:47:07,095 - uipath_core.trainer_run:main:74 - INFO: Starting training job…
2023-01-31 14:47:07,735 - matplotlib:_get_config_or_cache_dir:484 - WARNING: Matplotlib created a temporary config/cache directory at /tmp/matplotlib-gfiykdk1 because the default path (/home/aicenter/.config/matplotlib) is not a writable directory; it is highly recommended to set the MPLCONFIGDIR environment variable to a writable directory, in particular to speed up the import of Matplotlib and to better support multiprocessing.
2023-01-31 14:47:08,076 - matplotlib.font_manager:_load_fontmanager:1443 - INFO: generated new fontManager
2023-01-31 14:47:10,231 - uipath_core.storage.azure_storage_client:download:118 - INFO: Dataset from bucket folder training-fa0025b6-48db-466b-8daa-00f1f6a22449/84782e2b-1e8c-4f29-900f-544282eaf298/289d04cc-85b3-436e-8098-41c7978487a1 with size 60 downloaded successfully
2023-01-31 14:47:10,232 - uipath_core.training_plugin:train_model:130 - INFO: Start model training…
2023-01-31 14:47:10,232 - uipath_core.training_plugin:initialize_model:124 - INFO: Start model initialization…
2023-01-31 14:47:10,271 - uipath_core.training_plugin:initialize_model:127 - INFO: Model initialized successfully
2023-01-31 14:47:10,272 - uipath_core.training_plugin:model_run:179 - ERROR: Training failed for pipeline type: TRAIN_ONLY, error: [Errno 2] No such file or directory: ‘/microservice/dataset/images’
2023-01-31 14:47:10,280 - uipath_core.trainer_run:main:91 - ERROR: Training Job failed, error: [Errno 2] No such file or directory: ‘/microservice/dataset/images’
Traceback (most recent call last):
File “/home/aicenter/.local/lib/python3.8/site-packages/uipath_core/trainer_run.py”, line 86, in main
File “/microservice/training_wrapper.py”, line 57, in run
return self.training_plugin.model_run()
File “/home/aicenter/.local/lib/python3.8/site-packages/uipath_core/training_plugin.py”, line 195, in model_run
raise ex
File “/home/aicenter/.local/lib/python3.8/site-packages/uipath_core/training_plugin.py”, line 171, in model_run
File “/home/aicenter/.local/lib/python3.8/site-packages/uipath_core/training_plugin.py”, line 255, in run_train_only
File “/home/aicenter/.local/lib/python3.8/site-packages/uipath_core/training_plugin.py”, line 132, in train_model
response = self.model.train(directory)
File “/microservice/train.py”, line 37, in train
File “/microservice/train.py”, line 61, in process_data
self.df_train, self.df_test = preprocess.preprocess_data(self.opt)
File “”, line 11, in preprocess_data
File “”, line 31, in create_df_from_single_folder
FileNotFoundError: [Errno 2] No such file or directory: ‘/microservice/dataset/images’
2023-01-31 14:47:10,280 - uipath_core.trainer_run:main:98 - INFO: Job run stopped.
I have this structure for my dataset:
– <Training / Evaluation Directory>
– images
– Bus
– bus001.jpg
– bus002.jpg
– bus003.jpg
– Truck
– truck001.jpg
– truck012.png
– truck0030.jpeg
– Car
I already tried to create a new project but it didn’t work.
This is the way i am creating the pipeline: