UiPath Go ! BalaReva PostgreSQL

Hi Guys,
I have successfully uploaded PostgreSQL in UiPath Go.This package contains the below activities .

  1. Execute DataTable

This brings the information from database even if you use the direct query or stored procedure.

  1. Execute NonQuery

It helps to execute To insert, update and delete statements.

  1. Execute Scalar

Returns the first column of the first row in the result set returned by the query or stored procedure as Object.




Awesome!!! Great work bro!!!


Thank you @Lahiru.Fernando

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Awesome! :slightly_smiling_face:

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Hello Sir,
I have an error something as picture below. Cloud you please help ?

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Hi ,
can you attach your project ?


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Hello Balamurugan,
Could you please resolve them? :sweat_smile:
POCConnection.xaml (4.5 KB) project.json (1.2 KB)

Best Regards,
Tanakorn P.

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Hi @Tanakorn_boy,

I have seen your xaml. The connection is ok. But you have to take look in the select query. When we are using the direct select query it may give error. But if try like below .It works well.

SELECT * FROM public.“tblCustomer” limit 1

Ref : Web


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Hello @balupad14
I have checked them with your guide but see same error. Do u have more solution for advise me or more solution for fix this issue? Thank you in advance


Best Regards,
Tanakorn P.

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Hi @Tanakorn_boy,

I will look on it and get back to you. For me it working well. Please check the port that you have accessing thru Uipath. This weekend send a video about this. we can see. If possible we discuss about it on this weekend. Thank you very much to your feedback.

Thank you

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can you select the query with schema like

Select * from public.tblcustomer


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Hi Sir,
Sorry to late, I query like that with last comment from you it’s work but when query on uipath it doesn’t work, still same that error.

Tanakorn P.

Hello Balamurugan,

I have the same issue as below. It’s look like that UIPath BR activies could connect postgres ,but could not retrieve the data set by SQL Query. Look forward to your reply.

*RemoteException wrapping System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object. *

  • at BalaReva.PostgreSQL.ExecuteDataTable.Execute(CodeActivityContext context)*
  • at System.Activities.CodeActivity.InternalExecute(ActivityInstance instance,*
    ActivityExecutor executor,
    BookmarkManager bookmarkManager)
  • at System.Activities.ActivityInstance.Execute(ActivityExecutor executor,*
    BookmarkManager bookmarkManager)
  • at System.Activities.Runtime.ActivityExecutor.ExecuteActivityWorkItem.ExecuteBody(ActivityExecutor executor,*
    BookmarkManager bookmarkManager,
    Location resultLocation)

Hello Balamurugan,

I have the same issue as below. It’s look like that UIPath BR activies could connect postgres ,but could not retrieve the data set by SQL Query. Look forward to your reply.
RemoteException wrapping System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object

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Hi @sflxc15912123602,

Welcome to UiPath Community !

Can you explain your environment. How and what way you are access database… It would be very helpful to me to test at my side.

Thank you

Hi Sir,

I configured ODBC access, using ‘Database’ can be normal access.

Can you share your workflow please…

Thank you

Hello Balamurugan,
Could you please resolve them?
Main.xaml (5.6 KB) project.json (1.1 KB) Sequence.xaml (5.3 KB)

Sure… @sflxc15912123602

same error… Execute DataTable: Object reference not set to an instance of an object.