UiPath Form - Create Task Form - How to change the font size and font style of select box component?


Can anyone please suggest a way to change the font size and font style of the label and checkbox option in select box component of Create Task Form desginer. I have already tried to provide “style”:“font-size:30%;font-family-Arial;” under attribute property of Json schema for select box component but it seems this component is taking the deafult size and font.

Any suggestion would be appreciated?



you can use custom css


customization you can use Html element

@sun.tom78 you can try this

Hi Anil,

Thanks for your response.
Load css file property is available in UiPath form but unfortunately it is not available in Create Task Form activity which has its own UiPath designer view (older) and is used for creating long running process on action center.

Changing based on id will change the style of all the task in action center , in my case we need to change the color property to red in some specific condition. Also , this option can help with html components but with select drop-down box and select boxes component this option is not available.