UiPath Form change label/Header


I need to change the label/header multiple times on one button click, like the progress status

Kindly suggest


Hi @kishoretg
To change the label/header multiple times on one button click in a UiPath form, you can use the following steps:

  1. Add a button control to the form and set the initial label/header text.
  2. In the button click event handler, use a loop to change the label/header text multiple times. You can use a timer or delay activity to pause between label/header changes to create a progress status effect.
  3. Update the label/header text in each iteration of the loop using the button’s Text property or HeaderText property, depending on whether you want to update the button label or header text.

Can you please share some example

You can try this approach as well-

To change the label/header multiple times on one button click in UiPath, you can use the “Set Text” activity to update the text of the button.

One approach could be to use a “Switch” activity to determine which status message to display based on a counter variable. You can increment the counter variable on each button click to cycle through the different status messages.

Here’s an example workflow that demonstrates this approach:

  1. Create a new sequence.
  2. Add a “Click” activity to click the button.
  3. Add a “Set Text” activity to update the text of the button.
  4. Add a “Switch” activity with the counter variable as the input.
  5. Add cases for each status message, with the corresponding text as the output.
  6. Increment the counter variable at the end of the workflow.