A little belated - but with some good new stuff coming up - I present to you the 23.2 preview release
Updates on Business Rules
Mathematical Formula Field Rules ∑
With this release, we have added a new rule type which allows for the definition of mathematical formulas for both simple fields or column fields of type Number, referencing other number fields or number values. In this sense, one can provide one or multiple of the following:
- Field: either of the below:
- a simple field of type Number
- a column field of type Number
- or a fixed value (provided by the user)
- Mathematical Operator: +, *, -
- Grouping Operator: (,)
All these to model use cases like:
- Total > 100
- Total = Subtotal + Delivery – Discount
- Line Amount = Unit Price * Qty (all 3 being column fields, rule applicable for each row of the table)
- Total Discount = sum (Discount Value)
- Total Price = sum (Unit Price * Qty)
- Total Price = sum(Line Amount) + Tax - Total Discount
- And many more
shall we be missing anything, do shout out – and keep watching, more rules one their way
Known issue: when validating the field, the rule will fail unless the fields have the exact same number of decimal digits - it will not recognize the fact that 44.2 = 44.20 - this is something we work on fixing and will be releasing a fix for soon!
Automatically applied rules in the Validation Station
Remember the Field Level Business Rules feature we previewed some while back? Where one would check the extraction against certain pre-defined rules, in the Validation Station? Until now, the rules have been verified when submitting the validation session – however, with this new release, they will automatically be applied, so that one can see the results quickly, reducing like so the time one spends validating the documents.
Enhanced the Forms Extractor page-matching algorithm
For the Form Extractor to correctly extract the data from a document, until now, the document pages needed to be in the order in which the Template has been configured – with this new release, we have enhanced the algorithm and are using the “page matching info” to identify the page and match the result of it to the page of the document received as input to the activity. In this way, we rely on exact matching info, instead of a page order when identifying and extracting the data, leading to an improved extraction result – even for scanned documents for which the pages do not respect a particular order.
We hope the improvements are valuable to you - let us know your feedback, looking forward to it!