Uipath Apps display single column value

Hi Folks
how can we display single column value in text label from entity record?
I want single value not entire record
would appreciate if anyone help

Hi @Akash_Javalekar1

  1. First add your entity in your app

  2. Create a new variable of type ListSource<entityName>

  3. Go to the MainPage, navigate to the Events section, and add a “Set Value” rule

  4. In the “Item To Set” field, select your app variable. In the “Value” field, use the query builder to construct your query

  5. Add a text label to your app. In the Text field of the label, use the following expression: variableName.data(index).ColumnName e.g. CropYieldEntity.data(0).Crop

I did the same thing but it’s not displaying the value

Try removing all the filters in queryBuilder and in the label check how many records you are getting using the expression variableName.totalRecords

Working now thanks :smiling_face: