UiPath API for monitoring BOTS

Hi Everyone ,

We are using Uipath community edition and have 10+ BOTS in production. We have issues with BOTS monitoring now as there are multiple bots that need to run 24/7 . We need to get notified if any bots stops working for some reasons. RE Framework is implemented and it sends notifications over emails but if machine goes down for some reason , BOT cannot send that email .

Now we are looking into option of using UiPath APIs for monitoring the bots . And plan is to call every BOT via API and get Queue’s last successful entry with time stamp and if it has passed a certain time limit , then we need to send alerts and emails to our support team. However , I am unable to find APi request for getting queue items with status and time stamp.

PS : I dont want to use Get Queue items activity because I want to have one tool/code base for all BOTS .
#build:orchestrator #build:studio
@loginerror @MVP2021 @Forum_Staff


For Bot Machines Alerts, You can check below documentation

Hope this will help you


I’m curious how is it possible to have 10+ robots on UiPath community edition and on production ?

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we have separate instance for every BOT.

Thanks , But I don’t want to send complex automated notifications every time something fails as it generates large number of errors rather looking for a much simple customized approach. Is there a way to get successful entries with time stamps via API?

Hi @Naveed_Hakim1
I think that license-wise this is not allowed, but of course I do not know much about your specific situation.

I would urge you to have a look at the T&C below to make sure your usage of the services is compliant first and foremost:

You are also free to contact our sales team for more legal advise if needed via this form:

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