UiPath AI Center - Complete guide


Our company is UiPath partner,
Is there an complete In-depth guide or training doc for AI center.

Kindly me know.


Hi, could you advise?

Can somebody help me on this query?

Hey there
What kind of training are you looking for? There is an academy course for AI Center. If you want to build an ML Package yourself you should probably have a look to this page: Building ML Packages

Hi Jeremy,

I have raised two more questions regarding AI center last week, no reply for the same. Let me explain here,

  1. During Data labeling, for example an invoice, where i can feed in the alias names of a particular field Label(Eg: Invoice number) for the ML skill to pick up the values.
    The variants of the Invoice number field maybe INVNO, INVOICE NO etc.
    Do i have the control to define these in the AI project Data labelling somewhere.

  2. And can i export the output of the documents using the model from AI center directly into different formats such as XLS, CSV etc.

I have some doubt like these on AI center, i dont have these information in the uipath docs.

kindly let me know.

Ramesh kumar

Hi Ramesh

This is specific to Document Understanding that have a full dedicated documentation. Have you checked this one? You can look at this page and others on same topic they are well detailed. Invoices retrained with one additional field


Great answer Jeremy thank you.

@Ramesh_S our ML product learns those kinds of aliases automatically. In the labelling interface you just label the values of the fields you need extracted. Then the model learns to recognize them, in diverse situations.

I strongly recommend you follow the DU Academy course https://academy.uipath.com/learningpath/uipath-document-understanding-overview-3
