Is there any direct Uipath activity to find out the list of installed softwares on a computer.
There are ways:
to dump it from command line to a notepad file. Using Windows Run command prompt.
And accessing the Control Panel–> Installed Programs
Please let me know if there are any direct Uipath activity for the same…
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the method would work for sure
but i hope we dont have a specific activity for this buddy
Cheers @mailsmithash
Thanks then we have to follow one of the methods like looking into control panel or through command prompt dump.
Cheers @mailsmithash
Invoke Powershell command can be used manually to get the list of installed softwares on the computer…UiPath has ‘InvokePowerShell ’ activity to run the same command, but its not succeeding…
Get-ItemProperty HKLM:\Software\Wow6432Node\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall* | Select-Object DisplayName, DisplayVersion, Publisher, InstallDate | Format-Table –AutoSize
If there are any inputs on this it would be helpful…
Able to use the 'InvokePower Shell" successfully for the command Get-Package (This pulls up all the softwares installed on a computer) of PowerShell.
Followed the below query inputs, the issue is solved now:
Thanks for your quick replies it’s really help me lot.
I tried with this workflow as you guided but no result am getting an errror.
Type Argument as ‘System.Management.Automation.PSSecurityException’
Can you please try to help me on this?
P[Execution%201] [Execution%202] [Execution%20error] lease find the attached image.
Try that as well @covcreo ,
Pass the entire command as variable and try.
one more thing , I hope you need to import any packages it seems
August 24, 2019, 1:05pm
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