Uable to retrieve an image file stored in the Entity

Hi, Forum

How can I restrieve the image from the Entity?

The entity and the corresponding images are already imported.

After having queried the selected item into varUsreInfo, the image is bound to the Source of image control.

When tested, the is empty and no image’s fetched to the image control either. Did I miss something or should I change the expression?
In the meatime, other items in the Entity that has no image data are fetched without a problem.



just use varuserinfo.Photo

image is displayed


Hi, @Anil_G

Thank you for your help. But, I don’t extactly get it. Do you mean to do the following? which I actually tried before but didn’t work.

The followig is also not working either.

In your snapshot, it looks like you used a direct query expression, which I don’t figure out how to make it. Is it the only way?



is varuserinfo one single row?

does it have the data?

what I did is instead of savign single row and getting one column I did it together

the second photo you gave above should be working

I tried the same and it is displaying still

SumCheck is my entity name

created rule based on the search of name get the row matched from entity…ls is the entity which I am loading data into on page load


