Just upgraded to 2018.2 and having a problem with the data scraping wizard. I have a table on a webpage, when I select the first cell It says that I selected a cell in a table and wants to know if I want to extract data from the whole table. I click yes and get a TypeError: Object expected. Any thoughts on why this would happen?
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Hi @Will_Tyle,
Did you find any solution for this issue.
I have developed one automation on browser Firefox, now as per my new requirement I have to make my automation to work on IE. But whenever I am doing data scraping on one HTML Table I am getting this issue TypeError: Object expected but it worked perfectly on Firefox and Chrome.
Please help me if you have any solution.
The issue is that the table is not written for IE and so there’s no way to use the data scraping wizard. You can try using Find Children activity. Also, Microsoft is ending their support of IE as of, I think, July 1st so that would be a good opportunity to say why your company needs to get off of IE and use Chrome\Firefox.