Scenario: TYPE INTO & TYPE SECURE PASSWORD activity does not allow us to enter special character ‘[’ in a text box.
Workaround: To enter the special character ‘[’ in a text box, use TYPE INTO & TYPE SECURE PASSWORD activity with simulate property checked OR use SET TEXT activity to perform the same action.
Steps to reproduce: Try to type special character ‘[’ in a text box using TYPE INTO & TYPE SECURE PASSWORD activity.
Current Behavior: TYPE INTO & TYPE SECURE PASSWORD activity does not enter the special character ‘[’ in a text box
Expected Behavior: TYPE INTO & TYPE SECURE PASSWORD activity should enter the special character ‘[’ in a text box
Studio/Robot/Orchestrator Version: Studio 2017.1.6522 Enterprise Edition.
Last stable behavior: NA
Last stable version: NA
OS Version: Windows 7
Others if Relevant: (workflow, logs, .net version, service pack, etc): NA