Try to integrate with Chat GPT

HI Team,

I am trying to integrate the UiPath with chat GPT, open AI, I refer to two video which is in below. But am getting this error please help me out to resolve the issue.


     ""error"": {
         ""message"": ""You exceeded your current quota, please check your plan and billing details."",
         ""type"": ""insufficient_quota"",
         ""param"": null,
         ""code"": ""insufficient_quota""

Video I refer:
@Yoichi can you help



The error is obvious…your chatgpt api limit exceeded

Try with using a different credentials and check


I do not get the point you are talking about API Key?

Hi @copy_writes ,

You have your quota consumed i.e. API hit limit


You would have logged into openai and then generated the api key…the key you generated and the email associated withit will have a limit of calls to it

So use a different email and login and generate new api key…


Thanks, Buddy You are a genius, I go the output. But why it fail in my personal email ID.

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