Try Catch unable to skip error if a Type Into exists in a Flowchart

Try Catch unable to skip error if a Type Into exists in a Flowchart
I have the following Scenario as shown in the Below image
The Flow Chart has a Type Into Activity. (Which is a notepad)
If the UI Element does not exists an error is raised.
Try Catch is unable to skip the Error.
How can I make try catch skip the error.


The error can be skipped if the Type Into (which is inside the flowchart is surrounded by try Catch)


If you run as Debug mode, the following might help you.


Thanks for the quick reply
what should I do in order to “not stop” the execution of the process
I have also Put a single activity like log, message box in Catch part.
The issue is the error comes if the Type into is placed in the Flowchart TryCatchNotWorking.xaml (9.4 KB) TryCatchWorking.xaml (10.7 KB)

But the issue does not come if the Type Into (which is inside the flowchart is surrounded by try Catch)

I have also attached the Both the samples for review


this topic also has the same issue


In my environment, it seems TryCatchNotWorking.xaml works correctly as the following.


Which version of UiPath do you use?


Dear Yoichi,
Thanks for the reply
The Version of UIPath Studio is - 2021.4.3 (Community Edition as Well as Enterprise Edition)
getting error in both editions



It seems matter of debug function.

First, if you turn on “ContinueOnError” ON, it flows to catch without stopping in TryCatchNotWorking.xaml.

Or if run as “RUN” (not debug), it won’t stop there, too.


Next, TryCatchWorking.xaml doesn’t stop even though run as Debug, because it’s directly surrounded by Try. It’s spec of Debug function.

Can you try to insert Sequence on the outside of TypeInto as the following? It will stop there if run as Debug mode and ContinueOnException Off.
