Transpose - Excel Data using LINQ

Hello Friends,

I am having excel data as shown below,

I need to take transpose of data strictly using LINQ,

I have written below LINQ, but its not working,

From row In DataTbl
From col In DataTbl.Columns.Cast(Of DataColumn)
Select OP_DT.Rows.Add({col.ColumnName,CStr(row(col.ColumnName))})

Build data table - “OP_DT”


Please try this

(From d In dt.Columns.Cast(Of System.Data.DataColumn) Select outdt.Rows.Add({d.ColumnName}.Union(dt.AsEnumerable.Select(Function(x) x(d.ColumnName).ToString).ToArray).ToArray)).CopyToDataTable

As per your tables dt = DataTbl and OP_DT = outdt


Hope this helps


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Hi @Anil_G

Thank you for your quick reply,
I tried LINQ provided by you,

I am getting below run time error,


your output dt should contain number of rows in your input plus one columns…can you please check the same…if your input dt is having 6 rows then we need to have 7 columns in the output dt

To get the output datatable automatically…you can use generate datatable as well…please check below
InputString - String.Join(",",Enumerable.Range(1,dt.RowCount+1))

This generates the required output table automatically with column names as numbers starting from 1


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I will try with generate datatable automatically also.

As of now, i am getting below output

Category “Travel” is missing in the output as shown with Red line

Attaching the folder, (185.5 KB)


Thats because of union…it removes duplicates …please try this

(From col In DataTbl.Columns.Cast(Of System.Data.DataColumn) Select OP_DT.Rows.Add({col.ColumnName}.Tolist.Concat(DataTbl.AsEnumerable.Select(Function(x) x(col.ColumnName).ToString).ToArray).ToArray)).CopyToDataTable

Hope this helps


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Excellent, this one is perfect. :clap: :clap: :clap: :+1:

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