Total video playing time after some time I want to run a "click" activity

Total video playing time
after some time
I want to run a “click” activity.

I would appreciate it if you could tell me how to do it in detail.
I am new to uipath.


Use Delay command and scrape the value to that Delay command and after the delay command place your click option

Hope this may help you


Ok, fine
Thanks for your reply.

What is the command to get the time?
Can you give me a little more detail on how to do it?


In delay command in duration property you can set it in 2 formats

A.“00:00:10 or 00:01:00”
B.10000 or 1000



There is Delay Activity which can be used to provide the delay.



thanks for the photo reference

scraping video time
How to put in delay attribute
Can you give me more details?

It seems like maybe you should go complete the free training on UiPath’s web site so that you understand basic things like this.