To Reorder Rows based on Array data value

Hello Team,

Based on Array That we have
OutputDt = { IN1 , IN2 , IN3 , INa , INb , INc , YNc}

How can we rearrange below

EX_dt =

Into Final dt as Below
After organizing according to OutputDt (Values match E_No data)


Have attached Excel For Reference Test Data
Sheet 2 = Original Data Format
Sheet 1 = Is the Excepted Format that we need to achieve using OutputDt

Test Data Original and Final Format.xlsx (6.9 KB)

Thanks Team in advance


try this once

OutputDt={ “IN1”, “IN2”, “IN3”, “INa”, “INb”, “INc”, “YNc” }

dt.AsEnumerable.OrderBy(Function(a) array.IndexOf(OutputDt,a(0).tostring)).CopyToDataTable
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Thanks @Shiva_Nikhil For the quick resolution

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