Good day Automation Experts,
My robot downloaded an Excel file everyday with file name: Report_ddmmyy.xlsx
I need to use UI Path to go this specific folder and rename it to: Report.xlsx, move to another folder and delete it from the original folder.
Appreciate your help and advice. Prefer to have detail steps to guide, as I am very new to UiPath.
Thank you very much.
Thank you @arjunshenoy for your reply.
For the Move Activity, I cannot determine the source filename, because the filename will change everyday according to different dates. Hence, is there a way to use wildcard like “**.xlsx”?
@Woonhan_Yap Hi Folk,
You can you simply move activity with two ways.
Use Move File activity to rename file with in folder by putting Original full path in from and same folder path with new file name in To block. This will rename your file with in folder.
After that you can use again move file activity to move it in new folder.
Now use delete file activity to delete file from old folder.
In this method use move file activity to move file directly from one path to another path with new name.
There is no need to delete file from old path.
Thank you very much @arjunshenoy That’s very helpful
However, I tried to put in the command to determine dynamic filename as below: (Using “Move File” activity, in the “From” column)
and I have got below error…
Argument ‘Path’: Compiler error encountered processing expression ““C:\Users\Downloads"Report_”+Now.ToString(“yyyymmdd”)+”.xlsx"".
(1): error BC30027: ‘End Function’ expected,
(2): error BC30198: ‘)’ expected.
(2): error BC30648: String constants must end with a double quote.
Hope to get your support and suggestion.
Thank you very much in advance