The Type Initializer For 'LibGit2Sharp.Core.NativeMethods' Threw An Exception

While trying to clone an empty Git repository, error "The type initializer for 'LibGit2Sharp.Core.NativeMethods' threw an exception" is thrown.

Issue Overview: While trying to clone an empty Git repository, getting the error "The type initializer for 'LibGit2Sharp.Core.NativeMethods' threw an exception".

Root Cause: This error is thrown when a dependency library for the Github integration is missing.

Diagnosing / Resolving:

  1. Open “Run” and enter in “appwiz.cpl”.
  2. Click OK. This will open Add/Remove programs.
  3. Search for “Redistributable”
  4. Go to the following link to see our system requirements: Studio Software Requirements

  1. It might be required to change the version of UiPath, if the instances being troubleshooted is not the latest version.
  2. Check to see what version of Microsoft Visual C++ 2015 Redistrubtable is required.
  3. Most likely “Microsoft Visual C++ 2015 Redistributable Update 3” is missing. It can be installed by going to the following link:
  4. If any other software components are missing, make sure to install them.

  1. If all software components are installed, please open a ticket with UiPath Support so that additional troubleshooting can be done.