The specified string is not in the form required for a subject in SMTP message

The specified string is not in the form required for a subject in SMTP message

Actually i have one excel sheet with multiple email id’s…

This is my workflow and i have assign all the method to variable and just passing those variable to the SMTP Activity…

But i am getting this error…

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Can you keep a write line before Send SMTP message activity and give smptpsubject to see the value

If you can see that value output, then you can figure out the issue i believe


yeah it showing me proper output in here but i dont why i am getting error in subject

this is the method which i am using : "Order Id “+row.Item(“Order ID”).ToString+ " from " +row.Item(“Date”).ToString+ " is overdue please send payment ASAP”


Can you write row.Item(“Order ID”).ToString.Trim()
It will eliminate whitespaces if exists

Hope this may help you


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Thanks it helps me alot :slight_smile:

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