The source contains no datarows fixes?

Currently in my email variable i put in something that not exisit in the excel where it give me Assign: The source contains no datarows

where i use an Try/Catch to say there if no datarow found it tell the user however now i am getting back the same error why ??


You can convert it to an array

Use if condition

Intimate the user



Can you try just Run or RunfFile OR turn on ContinueOnException with debug mode?

It may be good to press Continue button, too.


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okay that funny run file or run works but debug file i get that lol!

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General pattern to handle it defensive:

:ambulance: :sos: [FirstAid] Handling of The source contains no DataRows exception - News / Tutorials - UiPath Community Forum

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yes this works i was actually at this just now in the forum when i search through

for those people who faced some problem

hope it helps to anyone who faced the issue

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