as a workaround you can try to open from the + menu the text builder and delete by hand the unwanted part: mydocuments and leave only the link to the site
Can you pls post a video of what happens when you delete the whole selector?
@Cosin, here it is
@studioX, I was able to delete the My Documents part from the link but it has no impact on the error
@kj.fenton, unfortunately, I don’t have the MS Office installed on my personal computer. How often do you run these courses? Maybe I can join next time.
same behavior if on the + menu on the card UI you select clear value? does it get clean on the properties panel also? clear value and indicate again will generate my documents again?
Same behaviour although clearing value doesn’t appear to clear the selector.
Is this an old project that you updated?
Yes, this is an old project but if I start a new project, the outcome is identical.
Hey @studioX, is there any update on this error? Thanks
Yes , can you update the packages? Should be fixed. If not, it will be pushed thru 20.4.2 version next week i think.
I ran into this issue myself and did a deep dive with the product team to resolve it
If you switch the use browser’s window attach mode to Application Instance:
You will see a Window Selector property in the activities that are inside the use browser.
If that Window Selector is blank and you set the use browser’s window attach mode to Single Window you will see this issue. What needs to happen is the Window Selector needs some sort of selector to continue even if it’s just a use application chrome.