Test Result shows Passed in Test Manager with failed Verifies

I have a testcase with about 20 Verify activities. When I run this in Studio, my testcase fails if 1 of the verify acitivies fails (so works as intended)
However, when I schedule that same testcase in Orchestrator and check the result in Test Manager, it shows Test Passed even with the failed Verifies.

Does anyone know what I’m doing wrong?

My flow opens an application, reads out contract data and then verifies if that data matches Test Data with 20 seperate Verify Expression acitivies. If 1 Verify fails, it should fail the test case.

ContinueOnError=TRUE because I want all my verifies to get checked


Check the ContinueOnError property of VERIFY activity. By default it’s True.
Changing to False should solve the issue.

Thanks, for the reply
That makes the flow stop on the first verify that fails, while I want them all to get checked.
I saved the result of all my verifies to a boolean Result and added an extra verify “Result=True” at the end with ContinueOnError set to false. Not exactly pretty, but it seems to work.

Still doesn’t make much sense that the result is different in Studio vs Test Manager tho

Hi @Stijn_Meersman, can you try something simple like this?

  1. First, Verify False, then Verify True. (Continue on Error = True) – see the screenshot.
  2. First, Verify True, then Verify False. (Continue on Error = True)

Let us know what shows up in the test execution as the result.

If it works like in Studio, both should be False in the end. If it’s simply the “last” verify, then it will be 1x True and 1x False.

If that’s the case (1x True & 1x False), maybe ask UiPath if that’s how it’s supposed to work? I couldn’t find anything in the documentation.

But keep in mind, best practice suggests using only one verify per test case.

Hi @Julian_Muhlbauer

In Studio: Fail + Pass = Test failed - as expected

In Orchestrator/Test Manager: Fail + Pass= Test Passed - It only seems to look at the last result

I’ll work around it by adding an extra verify at the end with all previous verifies combined. That way our testers can still see the separate results while the overall result ends up correct.

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Hi @Stijn_Meersman – thanks for checking! :slight_smile:

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