How the code line it looks like in order to use “Scale” function from Tesseract OCR?
Let’s say from 1 (default) to 3.
I’m not familiar with this Tesseract ocr.
Hope this will be helpful for your query
Thanks, but I’ve read the documentation.
I would need a practical example how to write a line of code for that Scale function.
Usually Scale is a property which accepts a double type of value say like 1 or 2 or 1.5
More is the value passed more the image is enlarged and read
Usually for smaller images we use high scale value like between 0-10
But I would suggest try giving numbers until that perfectly work for you
For larger images it may throw error if it is more than 1
So use between 0-1 like 0.3 or 0.5
And default value is 2
Hope this clarifies
Cheers @IPIX
Could you let me have an example of the code line to be added in the Expression Editor?
I don’t know how to write it.
Updated: aha, I found that is a matter of a simple typing the number as bellow:
Yeah as mentioned above just mention the number you find perfect to extract the data
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