Template with rules doesnt modify the table when is paste on excel

i have a template with rules that modify cells colors and colors numbers, when the robot paste the info from table with write range activity over the template this is still in blank but if i open same workbook manually i see the rules are still there and if i click the cell then the color change

how can i “wake up” the colors from excel before i send it to mail.




Hi @amy93amanda

Please correct me if I’m wrong. Do you want to remove the colors from the excel? If yes please check the below flow. If I’m wrong please correct me, Thank You.

With below code cell colors can be removed from the EXCEL.
VBA Code:

Sub RemoveCellColors()
    Cells.Interior.ColorIndex = xlNone
End Sub


Hi @amy93amanda,

Are you using workbook activities or excel activities? Please use excel activities.

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nop, i need to keep the colors

these are in white
but i have some rules that detect if the time are > or < than something then bring a color
but using robot doesnt detect that new data is there and i have to open excel and click manually the cell to obtain the color

i need to paste data and excel detect is there

Hi @amy93amanda

Please share the conditions and sample Input excel file, I will try to provide the code based on your conditions.
