My Excel Path is made up of Today’s date.
My Template Excel has sheets , renamed but when i run and create new excel, it doesnt have the formatting done.
Please guide me
My Excel Path is made up of Today’s date.
My Template Excel has sheets , renamed but when i run and create new excel, it doesnt have the formatting done.
Please guide me
Did you select the sheet from the template file in write range?
Can you show how you configured it
HI @PAJ1999
There could be several reasons why this is happening. Here are some things you can try:
Template and Excel both have ‘.xlsx’
I am giving paths for both excel and template , template is kept on that path. Just my excel is getting created at runtime.
I havent edited the excel scope at all. So it shouldnt be giving any errors
I am confused why my excel doesnt have the same formatting as my template.
@Anil_G I just created an excel with the formatting and gave its path in Template file.
I havent done anything in the ‘do’ , i am first just verifying whether the excel is created with the same formatting.
ok just to get a clear understanding…are you expecting the file created to contain the formatting?
Because the template file is for design purpose…like to select the sheets and cells from the template file which looks similar to the orginal excel we get
Are you on the same understanding?
Because the formatting and all are not copied…its to give the modern features a way to identify the target excel
Oh so formatting is not copied. I expected the sheets to automatically get created and format of the table to be copied.
So whats a template all about, what it does.
As I said…say the downloaded file contains 7 sheets and you want to perform filters and try some formatting on the file and all and say you do not have a file available with you but you know the format…you cna sue template file and build your autoamtion using clicks…basically you want to select Sheet pdf3 and column XYZ then from the menu using template we can find it
Suppose here is my template
To Select sheet you need not use custom input you can click on sheet1 and it adds
As it suggests this is just template not the original file or for any formatting only for design purpose while building automation on excel
Please help,
I have an Excel file “Excel Template” that I want to fill out
Once finished it will be saved in a folder and given a name according to Excel “ListAccount” in the “Subaccount” column
The “Excel Template” file will loop according to the data in the “LisAccount” file
How to create a project like the flow above, so that the “Excel Template” file can run well?
Excel Template.xlsx (10.3 KB)
ListAccount.xlsx (9.3 KB)