Take screenshot of entire window including date time stamp on the taskbar in chrome

Hello everyone,

I want to Take screenshot of entire window including date time stamp on the taskbar using chrome browser.
I used classic and modern activities also applied empty selector or * selector and mentioned values in clipping region but I’m unable to get screenshot including date time stamp on taskbar

Can anyone please help me here.


Do not indicate anything in the classic/Modern take screenshot activity then it would take the screenshot of whole screen as you need. Here is the bot screenshot


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Can you try the following step?

First, create sequence file which has just TakeScreenshot activity.(Let’s say TakeScreenshot.xaml)

Then call it using InvokeWrokflowFile activity here you want to take screenshot with datetime.


Hi @sankaran.33

If you using Classic activities Use “Open Browser” activity under that use “Take Screenshot” Activity and save the output in an variable. Use “Save Image” activity to save the Image.

In case of Modern Activities use “Use Application/Browser” activity, under that use “Take Screenshot” Activity and save the output in an variable. Use “Save Image” activity to save the Image.

Hope it helps!!

It worked thanks for your help

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