Take screenshot and attach into the mail


I just wanted to take the screenshot and attach it with the outlook mail without saving it.
Pls suggest

  1. Use Take Screenshot activity
  2. Attach the Value which you obtain from the above to mail and send

Hi Karthick,

For Screenshot activity, I have to save the mail at some location, And then we have to pass the location into the send mail for attachment.

But here i wanted not to save the screenshot, just take and attach it to the mail

You dont need to save Email . You can save the screenshot and attach the same to mail


  1. Use Take Screenshot activity to capture the web page. The output is an Image variable.
  2. Use Save Image activity. Supply the FileName (e.g. screenshot.jpg) then the Image property should be variable we created using step1
  3. Once done saving, attach it to the email. If you want the image to be in the body, you can use HTML.

Let me know if you need any more details

I doubt you can do that without saving the image, but maybe to delet the image after the mail is sent could be a solution? So the image will be saved in the computer for fews seconds only.

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