Take inputs from a csv file in a flowchart

I have designed a workflow in UiPath studio for carrying out a process , I want to take inputs from a csv file.It should take one input any carryout the whole process once then take the second input and perform the process and so on.

it is possible? can anybody help me?

Yes …You can place all the files to be processed in a specific folder and then loop through all the files in folder

can you help me with the steps please

This is my flowchart
I want to pass the values in sequence 1 and after completion of sequence 4 it should enter the next value in sequence 1 and carry out the process.

use for each activity and pass Directory.GetFiles(“C:\Your\Folder\Path”, “*.csv”)
we will get the full path of each file in your folder to loop through.
Add your flowchart inside this for each activity and pass the full path into sequence1 to read the csv file