Table from email body with header

Hello All,

I have scenario where I have kind of table in email body and I have to extract table from body.
Issue is the table will be just like a text , Below is the attached sample.


Please find below the information about your purchase orders.

PONumber Total Item1 Price1 Item1Qty
PO2421 1500 Laptop 300 5
PO111 705 Desk 235 3

Please respond thanks

first read the mail and then print it so that can identify what are information it is giving after reading and we can perform string manipulation and all to get data in required format.


If the item1 will not have any item with space then you can extract the data using string.split method.

Read the mailmessage as a string and split that with newline, then if the line first word is PONumber then the next line is your data. So you need to split the next line as line.split(" "C), this will give you a string array with the details of 5 items in that.

Yeah I am doing same however its not coming in table format could you send me some sample xaml if you have