Table format Image Handwritten Text how to return data intp excel

I am trying to get handwritten text value from the image which is having information in table form.

Do these steps @Arun_Pondhe

  1. Use assign activity and open the image as Process.Start(“Path of image”)
  2. Then use Get OCR Text activity to read the image and then get the entire text from the image
  3. then use string manipulations to get the required

what is variable type need to declare for assign that path



Handwritten information from image is not getting in proper

Yeah, the efficiency will be low with both the Microsoft and Tesseract OCR. But you will get better results using Python when compared to these two @Arun_Pondhe

Thank you so much for giving your valuable time.Its work in Microsoft vision…using Read Handwritten text activity i get data from image but not in structure format