Swagger link not working

I recently started having a look into integration with UIPath and was happy to see a Swagger specification for the API. Unfortunately whenever I try to follow this link, I get the following screen if I am logged in to my platform account on another tab, and it it instantly logs me out on that tab.


If I’m not logged in, it prompts me to do so and then gives me the error ‘Account not found’ on screen.

Checking the Chrome dev tools I get the following exceptions in this case.

The script has an unsupported MIME type (‘text/html’).
Error during service worker registration: DOMException

Hi @Jonny_Rogers,
Welcome to the Community!
Our Community Orchestrator has been moved to the cloud :rocket:
Please add /swagger/ui/index to your orchestrator instance address like:

https://cloud.uipath.com/(cloud portal)/(Orchestrator Tenant Name)/swagger/ui/index



So I know what the Tenant Name is, it kinda looks like a mashup of my username, but which part of the address is the (cloud portal)/ you reference?

Could you give me an example of a working address if possible?


Maybe let’s try this:

  1. Go to UiPath
  2. Go to Services tab. Here you have your tenant.
  3. Click on the tenant name, so it will route you to your orchestrator.
  4. The address you see now is exactly your (cloud portal)/(tenant name). So you need only to add /swagger/ui/index to it, and done :slight_smile:

Unfortunate there’s no direct link as each user has his own cloud portal name and tenant name.


Thanks very much, that’s exactly what I was looking for!

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