Summing amounts with currency


how do you have idea to summing amount in format e.g.
20,15 EUR (after amount there is space and currency).

I would like to get result 90,71.

Please find attached excel with amounts to sum.

sum.xlsx (8.5 KB)

We can make a split and get the numbers alone with this assign Activity
Outvalue = Convert.ToInt32(Split(innum," ")(0).ToString)
Where Outvalue is the variable of type int32
And innum = 20,37 EUR

Which would give us now
Outvalue = 20,37

Cheers @Krzysztof

Could you send me solution in UiPath (as a file)?

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Sure here you go a sample xaml (8.7 KB)

Kindly let know if this works or not buddy
Cheers @Krzysztof

It does not work:( This I did in another way.

My solution gives result 9071 and yours the same.
I need 90,71:)

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mention like this in the last writeline activity buddy

Cheers @Krzysztof

Did that work buddy @Krzysztof

Hi @Krzysztof,

Please try Double.Parse instead of Convert.ToInt32 and let us know how it goes.

Finally I did:

I assign: strSum = row(0).ToString
II assign: strSum = strSum.Substring(0 , strSum.Length-4) (to cut last 4 characters)
III assign: dblSum = dblSum + Double.Parse(strSum.ToString)/100

It works.


That’s great! @Krzysztof, If you can please mark the relevant solution as it would help others in future.

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