how do you have idea to summing amount in format e.g.
20,15 EUR (after amount there is space and currency).
I would like to get result 90,71.
Please find attached excel with amounts to sum.
sum.xlsx (8.5 KB)
how do you have idea to summing amount in format e.g.
20,15 EUR (after amount there is space and currency).
I would like to get result 90,71.
Please find attached excel with amounts to sum.
sum.xlsx (8.5 KB)
We can make a split and get the numbers alone with this assign Activity
Outvalue = Convert.ToInt32(Split(innum," ")(0).ToString)
Where Outvalue is the variable of type int32
And innum = 20,37 EUR
Which would give us now
Outvalue = 20,37
Cheers @Krzysztof
Could you send me solution in UiPath (as a file)?
Sure here you go a sample xaml
eur.zip (8.7 KB)
Kindly let know if this works or not buddy
Cheers @Krzysztof
It does not work:( This I did in another way.
My solution gives result 9071 and yours the same.
I need 90,71:)
mention like this in the last writeline activity buddy
Cheers @Krzysztof
Did that work buddy @Krzysztof
Hi @Krzysztof,
Please try Double.Parse instead of Convert.ToInt32 and let us know how it goes.
Finally I did:
I assign: strSum = row(0).ToString
II assign: strSum = strSum.Substring(0 , strSum.Length-4) (to cut last 4 characters)
III assign: dblSum = dblSum + Double.Parse(strSum.ToString)/100
It works.
That’s great! @Krzysztof, If you can please mark the relevant solution as it would help others in future.
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