Hi experts. I am performing a sum operation, but the result summation was incorrect, after several debuggin, I discovered that I had there was 2 similar values but the sum ignored one of them.Please how do I fix this
- First use Read Range activity to read the data from excel file and will give output as DataTable. Let’s say ‘DTExcelData’.
And then try below expression to sum of specific column from DataTable.
Sum = DTExcelData.AsEnumerable().Sum(Function (row) Cint(row("ColumnName").Tostring)
May I know how you were actually trying to sum the column value
dtSum.AsEnumerable.Sum(Function(r) If(Information.IsNumeric(r(“Amount”).ToString.Trim), CDec(r(“Column13”).ToString.Trim), 0))
dtSum.AsEnumerable.Sum(Function(r) If(Information.IsNumeric(r(“Amount”).ToString.Trim), CDec(r(“Amount”).ToString.Trim), 0))
There is a small change in the expression
Instead of information put it as r
Like this
dtSum.AsEnumerable.Sum(Function(r) If(IsNumeric(r(“Amount”).ToString.Trim), CDec(r(“Amount”).ToString.Trim), 0))
Cheers @RPA-botDev
It’s showing compiler error, public shared Function IsNumeric As boolean has no parameters and it’s return type cannot be indexed
Can I see the changes you have made
dtSum.AsEnumerable.Sum(Function(x) If(x.ToString.IsNumeric(x(“Amount”).ToString.Trim), CDec(x(“Amount”).ToString.Trim), 0))
Try with this
dtSum.AsEnumerable.Sum(Function(r) If(IsNumeric(r(“Amount”).ToString.Trim), CDec(r(“Amount”).ToString.Trim), 0))
Cheers @RPA-botDev
An error cannot refer to an instance of a class without a shared member initializer occurred on IsNumeric
Assign: Conversion from string “” to type ‘Integer’ is not valid.