Suddenly UiPath Studio won't install process when published

Usually stored in here when i publish locally:

Today can’t found it, even in:
is not found.

the .Nupkg is created but the libary process not found.

what should i do now?


Is there information for Location when publishing from Studio?


If it doesn’t exists, you might publish to orchestrator. Can you check settings when publishing?


im using custom publish.
and your screenshot is just the .nupkg location path.

what i want to find is the published process libary packages (version publish)

oh i get it now, i cant publish at my own solution folder.
If i publish at my own solution folder, then the publish only extract the .nupkg file.

So when using custom publish, use the folder path “C:/User/myName/.NuGet/Packages/”
instead, not my own solution folder path.

Usually, when i custom publish using my own solution folder path:

  1. studio only create .nupkg file in my solution folder, and also
  2. studio create published process libary in “C:/User/myName/.NuGet/Packages/”

But UiPath not doing this anymore, i don’t know why.


I think UiPath Studio just create .nupkg file by publishing. UiPath Studio/Robot extracts nupkg file to nuget cache folder such as "C:/User/myName/.NuGet/Packages/” when open the project or run process which refers the libirary, at first time. So, it seems the above is normal.


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