What might be the reason
looks like the job is set to the suspended e.g. by persitence actions. Is there any Action Form on which the process is waiting?
No Process are there to run except this. 20 minutes back I could be able to run it.
not sure if we can map the answer to the question. maybe you check the logs, identify the parts within the modelling / UiPath Studio and check if there could be relation.
Keep in mind we dont know what is done in the process / modelling. So our answers are more generic
In the document understanding the validation part doing in the action center.
When it’s come to “Wait For Document Validation Action And Resume” activity
it’s been suspending.
We can see the logs as well
How can we overcome this solution?
@Anil_G @Yoichi @supermanPunch @Sudharsan_Ka
Ideally when we use that activity till you complete the task it would be in suspended state only
That is the expected behaviour…May I know what you are looking for?
I am just giving a trial in that way to validate the extraction results.
Then yes if you use any persistent activities like wait for something the the job would go into suspended till that task is completed and once completed it would resume again
Hope this helps
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